Friday 18 March 2011


Hmm. what i think now? what i feel? what am i doing? :/

Just so "YOU" know! Your eyes, your smile and your voice are my weaknesses! :( Please and please just lemme go now :( dont you ever stare at me anymore coz i dun wanna fall for you again :( Im sorry if im being so arrogant nowadays but i really didnt meant that. I just dun want us to be that close like before =.= its sad but we have to.. i knew everytime im down you will always be there asking me whether im okay or not and i miss those moments when i always have a chit chat with you everynights, asking for any advice, fight with you and tell stories and burst my tears to you and you ended it up with calming me and give me motivations :'( seriously i miss it :( maybe we're not meant to be together and at least we learn something from there.

Im not ignoring you nor avoiding you I just need some times to make sure everything is alright. my heart, my feelings and my love to you thats all past. Let bygone be bygone. I love him now and let me love him saja. Thats all i want now. Dun give me those looks coz it could kill me slowly.

:'/ Goodnight

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