Friday 18 March 2011

Last day of 1st term schooooooooooooooooooooooool!! :)

Assalamualaikum people!!

Time: 1.40am :D

im awake amazing! hehehe.. what have i done yesterday? well let see..

Di skulah.. nothing much to do marketing no class then 9am-10 ish ada scholarship briefing :D was having a good motivation from the presenter but but yeahh its good if he came to us earlier like maybe when we were in year 1 so we could do much better than now pfft!! Targeting to get 2.5 IS NOT that easy!! you must get 6 Distinctions and 6 Merits!! and oh my god!! i already get P in one of my overall Year 1 units and it means that im not QUALIFY to apply those scholarship :(((( hadoiii sadih eh!! okay nevermind lupakan ajerr.. ada rezeki then i will get some other time :D and talking about our afternoon classes it was AWESOME becauseeeeeeeeeeee i wasnt in both BS and Eco class :D the student councils had a meeting with Sapphire group regarding the Appreciation and Graduation Night. I miss this school event so much :( my intake didnt get the chance to organize this thing coz due to Business Project bla bla bla~~~ pfft~ but well at least ahirnya ada jua so hehe alhamdulillah hopefully menjadi :D we was there from 2.30 till 4.30 woah!! hehehe some of the SCs went out early but some of us have to stayed coz ada lagi yg kan dibincangkan :D nice ending school class but my other story :'( its a lil bit ermsss menyedihkan..

I wanted to spend my last day with him but i just cant :/ my last year's was better than yesterday's. i just think my last day wasn't went properly as i wanted.

hmmmm.. :/ disappointing! night all.

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