Thursday 17 March 2011

Thursday 17 March 2011

Assalamualaikum :)

Hello hello.. its 3 am now and im not that sleepy :) was about to print out my cv and all the lnc's works but pfft my printer's being itchy bitchy.. i dunno whats wrong with it.. it has full ink of cartridges but it says that the ink was completely finished! macam apa! banggang x printer ani.. buka tutup balik2 guyang2 segala ink ani inda jua mau detect-detectnya eh. panat! membuang usin saja membali kau ani!! tangan ku pun macam mechanic sudah.. esh!! wish i got that special powr that could fix everything! eshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! menyasakkan jua banar eh.. lnc g awal2 pagi ne. haishhh!!

now see i got nothing to do. if this lovely printer do his work then my job will become very2 easy. i'll print it out then go to sleep. now what? i cant even sleep thinking of this thing.. karang lagi sekolah haiyahhh.. well talking about school. today will be our last day of 1st school term and tomorrow our 1st term of holiday is START!!! :D hmm im not that happy tho :p haha we're given 2 assignments and maybe ugama assignment is coming as well so it makes our assignmnts are 3. and too many homeworks to finish it up and revise revise revise =.= it is equal to stress stress stress

by the time sekolah buka.. all assignments mesti di hantar... 2 more phase tests are waiting and results from previous phase tests. and and and much more important our final exam !! its in MAY!! ya ampun.. time flies so fast.. less than how many months we will be send out for our attachment then graduation..

choosing places for attachment isnt easy as we see.. to choose better place and enjoy yetwill gain experience from that place is much more memaningkan.. jadi to all technical students out there! better choose ur attachment place awal2 unless you got someone to help you and acompany you there or else you will be paning and nda tau dmna kan dipilih. haishh!

bah anitah saja eh.. this printer inda jua mau. i better go to sleep now saja eh. nada hasil cemani ani

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