Friday 18 March 2011

Waiting :)

I cantttttttttttt wait for August.. i cant wait for those stuffs to arrive :D kenapa mesti ahir atu kan? :/ ngalihku tunggu eh. inda jua ku sabar ne!! but yeh yeh whatever it is, i have to wait and be patience. Sabar itu separuh dari iman. If i buy awal pun nda jua guna.. so yeah August tah saja.. berapa bulan lagi kan tu? =.= 5 bulan ka? adoiiiiiiiiiii!! entah2 kelamuan tah ku kali udah kan meliat.. hmm hmmm be positive. inda tuuu :D hehehehehe so yeah!!! AUGUST IM WAITING FOR YOU!!! sudah sampai nanti mesti be good okay? :D

and to my sayang.. I love you baby and i miss you so much :) get enough rest and eat proper meals since you will be very2 busy this week and next week... Adibah sayang Hafiz always :) Take care sayang.

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