Sunday 17 April 2011

Monday blues

As alwayssssssssssssssssssssssss!!! Monday is a very boring day in a week! and and tomorrow's gonna be our final LNC assessment which is INTERVIEW!! it is like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!! haiyaaah! miss told us to read local newspapers starting Monday till today (Sunday) coz she's gonna ask the headlinesssssssssssssss to us! and she asked us to remember allllllllllllll the ministers' names coz AGAIN she gonna ask usssssssssss in the interview and AGAIN it is like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!! i just have my time to check our updated menteri kabinet and luckily i found one in the internet alhamdulillah. GOOGLE you make my life easier. THANK YOU! fuuuh~ i hope tomorrow will be easy and please be nice to me yeah..

well just for everyone's information.. this is our new Brunei Cabinet Ministers 2011-2015.

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